Monday, June 9, 2014

Me? Lazy?

I am a much misunderstood man. Oh! I know! I know! Everyone is so busy running around to find someone to understand them that they cannot spare the time to understand me, but that still does not explain why they should misunderstand me instead of merely ignoring me. If they do have to waste time in misunderstanding me, why should they pick on what they call my laziness - merely because I do not complete any task on time?

The problem, you see, is that, by sheer coincidence, I always find so many other important things to do - on just the day when something has to be done - that it becomes impossible to do what I set out to do. Not my fault, and certainly not laziness, since I actually keep busy all day. The problem with people is that they are too quick to assume things about others and, invariably, to the other person's discredit.

Take today for example. I had decided to put together my tax return. I replaced my book in the bookshelf when my eyes caught an old whodunit. This one belonged to the era of the 'Butler-dun-it'. It has been a long while since I read any of that sort, since my tastes had somehow warped to think that a twist at the end was dissatisfying unless it arises logically out of the story. I have recently been convinced that my tastes are all wrong. Therefore, there was this irresistible urge to pick up that book and read it. Oh! I knew it was going to be the butler who 'done the murder' - since I had read it before - but I really had to read it for the sheer ingenuity with which the author introduces the butler into the story in Chapter 20, just in time to be unmasked as the murderer.

Three hours down the line, I finish this engrossing book and start for my computer to begin on the tax return. It strikes me that it is close to lunch time and I might as well finish lunch before I started on it. I switch on the TV to keep me company while I am eating. Can you believe it? I catch a rare movie just starting off on one of the channels. It has this absolutely unique plot line of a scary villain killing the parents, and brothers separating from each other with no more than a song to guide them back to each other in later life. How could I miss this piece of unique art merely for a mundane tax return, that could well be done later?

Four hours down the line and I cudgel my brains for what it was that I wanted to do in the morning. Can you believe it? I just could not recollect why I had thought that there was some work to be done today. Realizing that the best way was to allow the mind to let the thought surface on its own, I go on Facebook and let the world know how affected I was by the ad that kept popping up during the movie. Just as I was replying to the comments, up pops the memory - Tax return!

Now, whoever heard of doing tax returns at night? Maybe the guys who watch horror movies in the middle of the night would love the idea, but I am the conventional sort, who would wake up screaming in the night if I did anything so horrifying so close to sleep-time.

Tomorrow, I swear, that Tax return gets done. Meanwhile, stop calling me lazy, Ok? I have not been idling all day - I have read a book, watched a movie, written a FB status and even this blog post. What more do you want a man to do in a day?


  1. Well, I don't know who these people are who call you lazy. But going by this account I would say you had quite a full, busy day. And productive too. I am sure the book and the film increased your general knowledge about life and its various shades, much more than a silly tax return would have.

  2. that case I'm not lazy too :D

  3. if i laugh any louder i stand the risk of being thrown out the apartment for disturbing the peace of the place!!!

    Suresh, u could so well be my twin!! i am exactly like this and hey come on, we aren't lazy.....we just know how to take life easy!!

    1. You are good for my ego, Titli! That I can actually make people laugh :) Of course, we belong to that rare ilk of the human race who know how to take life easy :)

  4. which movie was it sir.. this reminds me I broke my fone saturday and I am still waiting to call the Orange people to tell them its broken so they can replace the handset ..

    I definitely am LAZY :)


  5. Things we dislike tend to get put off for the things we enjoy.As you said one still ends up being very busy during the day!

    1. Not just that, Rajeev! Things that we otherwise do not really relish become very interesting if there is work to be done :)

  6. ........reading your post , I remembered that I had forgotten to book my LPG refill cyclinder.

    No. you not lazy but are busy doing something productive. But do fill you Returns tomorrow.

    1. I am a man of my word :) Ask me any time and I shall say I will do it tomorrow :)

  7. Nothing can beat the joy of procrastinating, especially when there are so many delicious distractions vying for your attention :-)

    1. And you truly savor all those activities only when you are postponing some work :)

  8. Ha Ha! I keep doing this, Sureshji! Small wonder, many things are clamoring for my attention!
    We procrastinate what we do not like to do or due to many other reasons like we have many things better to do!...
    I could recognize the Bollywood movie- Yaadon ki Baaraat! Full marks for me :)

    1. Ha, Anita! That one merely set the trend :) There were countless imitations in all languages of India :)

  9. Haha! Sounds great to hear that, Adarsh!

  10. LOL ! Lazy or not , you sure seem like a happy man ! To do what one pleases and to go with the flow, is not something everybody can do.

    1. That's probably because nobody wanted to do it as badly as I did, Ash :) Who else was willing to not marry, not care bout people talking about 'wasting your education' etc.? :)

  11. Oh Suresh, what a mood freshener your post is n interesting one! Do keep writing and keep this humorous side alive. I would wait for more in future.

  12. The movie has a superb story- line...anybody would have put it on the top of preference list :-P ....and Tax return is such a mundane demands such procrastination...

  13. Great post! Enjoyed every bit. Good to know I am not alone. :)

    1. Yeah, Achyut, and the world calls us lazy - most unfair!

  14. Oh you def. are not lazy! Its just that the Universe conspired not to let you do the returns :P I face this problem with my husband every single day... I shouldn't let him read this post :P

    1. If he is like me, he certainly will not need any encouragement - from this post or otherwise :)

    2. err.. that's actually true :|

  15. Oh don't believe people when they call you lazy, what do they know? Now, when the tax man comes knocking on your door due to non payment, lazy is the last thing they will call you!
    Funny post, Suresh!

    1. Nowadays it is more a case of seeking refunds, Rickie :)

  16. Why would any one want to waste time on tax returns when there are scores of better things to be done! As for me, I would add to the list, just lying around in between to break the monotony.

    1. THAT is my normal posture - hardly thought it worth mentioning :)

  17. Replies
    1. deja vu for you maybe, Soumya :) For me it is my current reality :)
