You tend to find that philosophers talk of things that seem too airy-fairy. I mean, like, here we are trying to make a living on earth, trying to get your family and friends to not scoff at you and...well, you know, ordinary mundane things like that. AND you go to a philosopher for advice and he ends up scoffing at what you want and preaches to you about what you SHOULD want. But, then, there ARE times when a philosopher does surprise you by talking your own lingo leaving you open-mouthed in amazement.
So, Tiru says
Mudhalilaarka oodhiyamilla madhalaiyanj saarbilaark killai nilai - Tirukkural
Those who lack capital gain no profits; those who lack supporters lack stability of position - Loose Translation
Tiru seems to be well-rooted in Capitalism. He is very clear that if you seek to profit from your operations you need to have capital to invest in them. Like it or lump it, that is the way the world works. As I have had occassion to say earlier in these annals, 'Those who have get more of it' IS a law as much in the rest of life as it is in organic chemistry. (You can check Markownikoff's Rule for human behavior for other applications of the law than for wealth.) Life, as has now become a cliche, IS unfair!
Tiru's point in this Kural, though, is about the second half of it. He is essentially saying that 'Just as lack of capital deprives you of profits, lack of supporters renders your position unstable'. Your social position, your status in your place of work, your ability to command respect...ALL of that depends on supporters. Unless you have people who trust you and are willing to support you in your endeavours, you are unlikely to hold on to any of that. Or, so Tiru says.
AND he is probably right. It is a rare case where you can achieve anything by dint of your own efforts. Achieve anything that gets you widespread approbation in society, that is. Almost always, you need to carry along people in your efforts. To do that, you need a few who will be unstinting in supporting your viewpoint and helping you convince others. If you do not earn such support among enough other people for you to make your mark, you'll lose your position sooner or later.
Support, trust, friendship, it what you will. With that you can become AND stay a leader. Without that...