I know - the moment you people read the title you are probably expecting me to be telling you all about how my every attempt at making conversation was treated as my telling tall stories and things like that. That, though, is not what this is all about. Hold your breaths and manfully swallow your disbelief. I REALLY have written fiction and put it up as an e-book on Kindle. (Now you know what the 'thirdly' of the previous post was)
To be sure, I felt the need to ensure that I had adequate support in the venture. Just in case someone felt the urgent need to really spew venom upon reading my story, I wanted him to have to read some others and have his rage cooled down by some decent writing before he vented his ire on comments on the Kindle Forum or on Goodreads. So, I pulled in a couple of others to write along with me. It is thus that we have a collection of three crime novellas (Yeah! I know - a strange departure for a humorist) in "Sirens spell Danger" which you can download from Kindle for a princely sum of Rs. 99/= (if you are in India) or for USD 2.99/= (if you are not).
One of my co-authors is The Fool and, for those very few people who follow me but do not know of him, he is a versatile blogger who has written pieces ranging from poetry to whimsical pieces to fiction. His Science Fiction story "A Nootropic Egress" has been published by Mahavir Publishers in the collection "Ten Shades of Life". He has a unique brand of humor and a zany creativity which has earned him many die-hard fans. His story - "Bellary" - in this anthology features a IB agent sent to Bellary to foil an imminent plot with horrendous consequences and finds himself suddenly the center of attraction of two lovely women singing siren songs of love to him.
The other co-author - Radha Sawana - is probably lesser known in blogging circles but that is only because she is not a very active blogger. She thrust herself into my notice (very forcefully, I must say) by winning a contest in Indifiction Workshop. It was not merely the fact that she won but the writing that won it for her which caught my attention. For a young girl, she exhibits a rare maturity in her writing as her various pieces on her blog showed me. Her story - "Bella Donna" - intrigues you with a serial killer leaving strange messages which could be a challenge to the police or a siren call to lure another victim.
With the able support of these two, I hope that my own story may not raise too much ire in the eyes of the reader. "Femme Fatale" is about a IPS selectee who gets dragged into danger by a sexy siren and finds himself responsible for foiling a terrorist attack in Bangalore.
I sure hope you guys feel like reading the book and, further, are enthused to give a review on Kindle and Goodreads as well. (Complimentary, of course! I would certainly not be hoping for the other kind, would I?) And I also hope that we have managed to give you a decent reading experience.
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