Monday, January 4, 2016


All right! So New Year 2016 has kicked out the old year and occupied its place in our dates. Whenever this coup happens, as it happens every year, we humans sit around listing out all the things that we think we ought to be doing, rather than what we actually like doing, and call them resolutions. I, being no rebel and wanting desperately to BELONG, have always observed this religious practice...err...religiously.

I think it all started when I was in my 10th at school. THAT was the year when we had the so-called public exams and our pathetic effusions in exams would be judged not by the relatively benevolent teachers of our school but by some faceless impersonal examiners. So, came January, I resolved to do better at studying at home.

After all, reading Alistair McLean suitably ensconced within my physics textbook had not improved my understanding of refraction. James Hadley Chase, similarly embraced by the Mathematics book, was no help to me in solving quadratic equations. The biggest surprise was English. One would have expected that any reading would help in English but, can you believe it, despite holding my Leslie Charteris within the grammar books, I could not identify a gerund, even if it were served with chilly sauce and garnished with participles.

So, then and there I made my first new year resolution - that in THAT year I would regularly study for four hours every evening. AND, in that year, I realized the most important thing about resolutions. That they are very fragile creatures and would break with very slight or even no provocation. Actually, for me, it was more of that no-provocation thingy. All that happened was that on Jan 1, I had a Ludlum and decided that I would just postpone things by a day and, from Jan 2, I would stick my nose into the anatomy of a cockroach. And so it went and, before I knew it, the year was over! Never thought time would move so fast. It was really not my fault...if time ran away from me, what could I do?

Even without the benefit of a spider taking coaching classes in persistence, Robert Bruce could not beat me at it. Every year, with near-fanatical fervor, I made my resolutions. Every year, with equal fanaticism, they insisted on proving their fragility. The competition has always been very fierce. The score - Me: 0; Resolutions: 37.

This year, though, I am determined to win. So, resolution 1 was "I shall NOT break my resolutions". Resolution 2: Hmmm...This resolution 1 drastically restricts the options available for resolution 2. What do I do?

Do you see that bright bulb above my head? IDEA!

Resolution 2: I shall DO exactly what I did in 2015 viz. laze around, watching TV, reading books and listening to music.

So, there. Next year the report card shall read Me:1; Resolutions: 37!


  1. I firmly resolve not to start the first comment on this New Year with a hahaha or end it with a ;)! This was totally LOL....there something different! I can understand your predicament, what with every person around us making new resolutions at the drop of the hat, and to top it, sticking to it too! Psshaw! Not done! We must have some variety! Comrade let's stick to our rules....of breaking rules, and continue to encourage and watch those making and following up their resolutions! hard not to end with, you know what!

    1. These weird creatures who actually KEEP resolutions exist and call themselves human? Ye Gods! :)

  2. If I remember right, your resolution was actually to do the above mentioned back in 2015 as well. So I guess you are good at keeping resolutions. I think the reason for your laziness if the lack of it - if you had been really lazy, you would have let cob webs gather at your home giving opportunities for spiders to take abode in order give you classes in the art of persistence.

    1. Aw Shucks! I knew that having a maid would cause problems :)

  3. Ha! You think you can beat the resolution trap! Now that you have resolved to laze around and watch TV, I predict that this year you are going to be extremely active with no time to watch tv :)

  4. You had to bring that up?! It was Maclean's Guns of Navarone for me and I got caught-I blame Miller for I couldn't stop chuckling. My teacher, a dour being if there was ever one, could justifiably not understand how anyone could smile or chuckle in his class. The lecture I had to listen through has been something I have been trying hard to forget.

  5. This was fun, Suresh. I don't have resolutions. Never had ever. But I do like yours or the lack of them. :)

  6. So finally you score :) I never made any resolutions for new year. It was always for a new class. In this class, I am going to do ... better.. But before I knew it the class was over and I was where I was. Nice books you had inside your text books :D. I had Bloodline by Sydney Sheldon before my 11th final !

  7. I would more interested in Ludlum than the anatomy of a cockroach
    .. Even if we become doctors or even vets for that matter which cockroach is going to come to us for a cold? My resolution is to try to be more regular with writing posts and reading blogs....hopefully I must win :)

  8. hahaha..."I could not identify a gerund, even if it were served with chilly sauce and garnished with participles" I am laughing so hard and rolling all over the floor!!

    Btw,after making resolutions and failing umpteen times, I have resolved to make no more resolutions.

  9. Err... the moment I read 'Gerund' and 'Participles' I had to open another browser to google and refresh my memory :P
    Every year I resolve to stick to my resolutions.. don't ask me how that goes though ;-)
