Monday, September 28, 2015

My humor book - A dog eat dog-food world

Once upon a time, I was content writing blog posts and waiting forlornly for readers to come around and read them. Then comes a short story competition and I, the bachelor, get one story into a romance anthology (Really!) called "Uff Ye Emotions". Being sort of unaccustomed to the modern world and its ways, I was embarrassed about calling it 'my book' since mine was but one story out of twelve.

Then I get wilder notions and participate with Karthik and Radha to put out a ebook anthology of crime called "Sirens Spell Danger" on Amazon. I suppose I could have called that 'my book', even by my fossilized standards, since it was, at least, edited by me but it seemed too selfish to lay claims to all the stories in the book.

Now, at last, I have a book all to myself. My humor novella, which parodies marketing management and satirizes some aspects of the world of commerce, is being published by Fablery. Advance copies are available at a 10% discount currently and the book is expected to be out by Oct 20.

A short introduction to what is in the book is here

A hilarious pseudo-history of marketing management, which explicitly denies resemblance to any actual history, and which will be horrified if some semblance be found. The story of a man who discovered that the path of life is strewn with treadmills and, if you get on one by mistake, you could keep running all your life to stay in the same place. The story of how a businessman may just be minding his…err…business and the ‘Invisible Hand’ can cause unexpected consequences to arise out of his innocent actions. There is no point blaming the tale for being exaggerated because that is precisely what it seeks to be – an ‘exaggeratio ad absurdum’ of some facets of the world. Anything you learn from the book – be it the basics of marketing management or a satirical view of Society – you do at your own risk.
The tale only dogs the doings of
Spike Fortune who only sought to feed dogs and, later, sought more dogs to feed.
Jerry Fortune who, being fortuneless, gets dragged helter-skelter behind his uncle Spike in the latter’s careening pursuit of commercial success and gets sandwiched between Spike and
Tyke who was Spike’s resident genius on enticing dogs with their wares. He also has to help Spike in his rivalry with
Tom Rich, who is unwillingly dragged into upstaging Spike and tries to do it by teasing the palates of cats, helped by the bumbling efforts of
Jasper Rich who would rather be partying than chasing cats with cat-foods.

The pre-order link where you can place your orders (if you feel so inclined) is

What has not changed, though, is the fact that - as for the other books - I am trundling my hand-cart through the streets crying, "My books for sale". An ironical thing to be doing - marketing a book that spoofs marketing management!

The other thing is that, as with the blog posts, I am waiting for readers to come and read this book!


  1. Who better than you to write this satire on management-you are a bonafide master of management and an excellent humorist.All the best for your book.

    1. Great to hear, Indu! Though you will certainly find opposition on both counts :)

  2. Congratulations Suresh...All the very best for you book...Looking forward to reading it :)

  3. Hey, wonderful! Hearty congrats Suresh sir:):)

  4. Irrespective of whether you were part of an anthology, a trilogy(No, I'm sure that's not the right word, but as long you understood what it meant, I'm ok!) or writing the whole book, there's definitely SURESH stamped in bold letters all over your writing. So I think it is not all that bad, that you took your time coming out with this, after experimenting with other kinds of publishing ventures.

    And as always, I'm rooting for you. So here's wishing you a lot of success with your new book and many more to come. Cheers! I'm sure this will be a hit!

    1. Thanks Titli! Coming from someone who has actually read that 'trilogy' and reviewed it, it is a ringing endorsement. Hope this book does not fail its readers or fall short of your expectations :)

  5. Congratulations, Suresh. Hope that 'your' book does well. Heartiest wishes.

  6. All the best, Suresh :)

    Destination Infinity

  7. Awesome Suresh ! Congrats !! Finally you are a full-book author !

  8. Congratulations Suresh! I wish your book all the best!

  9. Congratulations and best wishes.

  10. Congrats Suresh! My best wishes for super duper success of the book.
