Monday, March 6, 2017

Mobile mania

I think I will never really get this modern world. True, I never really got the old world either but, at least then, I thought I eventually would. The world these days, though...

Huh? Don't get so dismissive...'Old men and their hankering for the good old days'? If that is what you think this is...

You know, we got so used to things being used for the purpose for which they were made. I mean, like we could use the pencil to scratch our backs, yes, but we sold and bought them mainly on the basis of how they wrote. We would have been surprised if someone brought out a pencil touting how well it serves the purpose of scratching our backs. So...

Yes, you got it. I mean, really, a mobile phone is primarily for talking...oh! All right, you people who are all thumbs can use it for more than that...browsing the Internet, WhatsApp, what-have-you though it seems to me that all you do is the same old gossip using newer and newer ways...but what do I know? But do I see it touted as a communication device?

Not is touted as a camera mainly. They sell it as a camera with a built-in flash, a camera to shoot adventure pics, a camera for taking the clearest pics...

And a very specialized will not waste its abilities shooting any arbitrary thing that catches your eye...oh, will use it only for one specific purpose...shooting selfies!

Looks to me like the manufacturers are preparing for the day when all other uses of the smartphone fail...there will still be you and the phone, so you CAN shoot selfies still!

I don't know if they have got their ideas right though. Are you guys truly all that obsessed with shooting your own face? Searching endlessly for that one shot which will make your face not look nightmarish?

Or, maybe, they have got you wrong. I mean, these are the guys who also think that the time when you call them up for a service complaint, and are peeved about being put on hold endlessly, is the right time to try and sell you their other services. (Or have you never heard the spiel when on hold)

You really do not get what I am telling, do you? Alas! It is not only that I do not get the modern world...the modern world does not get me, either!


  1. The makers of the 'selfie phone' have much to answer for?

    1. I merely wonder at how phones seem to be considered primarily useful for selfies :)

  2. It's an obsession these days. Me me me. Guess, we will tide over it soon.

  3. Hehe. Imagine the level of technology needed to satisfy our narcissism. We will soon have cars which take photos or rooms which take pics of you all the time.. :D

    1. We want things only to take pictures of ourselves? :)

  4. The Modern Masters of Product Cycle and Marketing probably tremble and quake at the sound of your fingers chattering away at the keyboard, good sir. Lovely read, as always.

  5. I don't carry a phone. Thank God for that!

    Selfies are still okay but the apps that make skin younger, fairer, smooth.. let's just say they make mockery of this invention. Mobile camera has made people vain. Also, it's the new gun. People click private moments of others and post it online just for fun. I don't see fun, logic or manner in it.

    1. All that, yes! For me, what makes me wonder still is a phone being sold primarily on how good a camera it is :)

  6. "Searching endlessly for that one shot which will make your face not look nightmarish?" Epic :D. I am reminded of every group pic that most guys are part of where its not 'cheese' but 'everyone suck your guts in'.
